Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The great lie

Politicians in America are always talking about how they want to improve education, but thats a load of crap, if education was improved and children were trained to perform critical thinking and analysis they would grow up to change the status quo and vote the nominclature out of office. Politicians thrive on people being ignorant as they can raise taxes,create more burucracy and be corrupt with out most people knowing what is going on. All these large government agencies like the departament of home land security, they serve to provide money for businesses who lobby the government, who gets to built fences, place screeners at airports, who ever pays the highest lobbies. During the cold war fundamentalism was used to fight communism, and during the 1980's the CIA provided large sums of money for Afghan rebels, some of whom would go on to become Alquida and the Taliban. Tax payer money was provided to these undesirables and know twenty years later even more tax payer money is being used to fight them (Frankenstein anyone).


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