Funny thing that Giuliani decided to run for president, there is the expression of skeletons in the closet, well in Rudy's case he apparently had an entire graveyard in his closet. It doesn't make sense, he was making millions and generally living the good life and now all of his nasty secrets have come to light, the man has more baggage than an airport ( must be related to the Clintons). How about this Clinton woman touting her experience, in health care her ideas led to that debacle in the early 1990's, in her incarnation as a senator she voted for the Iraq war (attacking a country that had done nothing to agraviate the U. S.) and iet claims she has experince in foreign relations and national security, semms like she has experince in making nations less secure judging by how well that Iraq caper went. Much like Bush neither Clinton admits to making mistakes, and they are always blaming others for their short comings and spining the truth, I don't see why she critisizes the president, she is just like him.
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