Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Clintonian Hypocrasie

Well the Clintons' supporters are once again highlighting Obama's past drug use, the hypocracie with those 2 and their supporters never ends. First of all at least the Illinois senator was honest (A WORD NEVER TO BE ASSOSIATED WITH THE CLINTONS) about his drug use, at least he din't come up with some phony excuse about smoking and never inhaling ( if you belive that please get to a hospital and demonstrate how it is possible to live without oxygen reaching your brain) a real fairy tale in my view, hey Bill tell us one about the easter bunny . During the Clinton presidency Alberto Fujimory was a major recipoent of aid in the crusade to eradicate drugs in Peru. The Clinton administration claimed Peru was a great sucess story. Currently Mr. Fujimory is facing trial for humans rights abuses, evedince ahs surfaced suggesting that his government was involved in Drug Trafficking. Fujimori's right hand man and intelligence chief Vladamier Montesinos is serving a jail sentence for corruption and human rights violations. Evidence demonstratetes that Montesinos sold weapons to Colombian terrorist organizations involved in drug trafficking. Consequently one could argue that the Clinton administrations ineptude was responsible for helping South American drug traffickers. The story doesn't stop there, both Clinton's are close to Colombia's current president whose political centerpiece has been to disarm paramilitary terrorist groups, under his plan the leaders of those terrorist groups face no more than 8 years for having commited mass human rights violations and don't face extratidition to the U.S. despite having smuggled countless tons of Cocaine into America. Absolutly ridiculus, people accross the world face lenghty prison sentences for smuggling small amount of drugs while these kingpins face almost no jail time. Several Colombian lawmakers allied with their countries president have been jailed for their ties to terrorist squads. Here are the Clintons supporting people who are known drug traffickers or associalte with traffickers and yet they question Obama's drug use, give me a break. Then there is Charles Rangel , a political dinosaur who would no longer be in politics (ten years ago he was under investigation by the New York stae attorney generals office for misappropiations of funds for the apollo theater) where it not for the fact that Elliot Spitzer decided not to persue an investigation against him, critising Obama and saying that he admited to using drugs in order to sell books. Hey Charles maybe he was just being honest, a concept which is probably difficult for Rangel to comprehend. but keep

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Clinton's big error

Ah how ironic that Hillary Clinton lost the Iowa caucus to the man holding the Illinois senate seat she was scheduled to run for. Her big mistake was running for a senate seat in NY instead of running foe the governature. In 2000 she should have skipped the senate race and in 2002 Clinton should have run against Pataki, won the governature served 4 years and won re-election and then run for the presidency as governor of New York. Most presidents in recent history have been governors, by being governor she would have worked on mostly on domestic issues and she would have avoided voting in favor of the Iraq war, thereby hiding her true Machiavellian nature and she would have had a better shot of winning the presidency. Has it stands now even if she wins the nomination mostmembers of the leftwing of her party and most independents will either vote for a third party candidate or stay home, while Republicans will come out indroves to vote against her.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Santa Claus Game

What the ps3 needs in order to jumpstar its sales is a totally outrageous action multiplayer game, like the one found in Conkers for the N64 ( the Xbox version multiplayer gave me nightmares). The plot would revolve around Santa being taken hostage by Colombian drug cartels and American gun runners who plan on using his distribution channels as a way of distributing their goods (after all no one gets a bigger job done faster than old ST Nick). Players would be an elf trying to free Santa in the single player mode and in the multiplayer mode they would play as any of the characters found in the single player game.
The game could include a mini game where you play as the Easter Bunny trying to disarm toxic eggs that have been distributed by a pharmaciutucal company that plans on starting a fku epedimic and blaming the easter bunny.


Funny thing that Giuliani decided to run for president, there is the expression of skeletons in the closet, well in Rudy's case he apparently had an entire graveyard in his closet. It doesn't make sense, he was making millions and generally living the good life and now all of his nasty secrets have come to light, the man has more baggage than an airport ( must be related to the Clintons). How about this Clinton woman touting her experience, in health care her ideas led to that debacle in the early 1990's, in her incarnation as a senator she voted for the Iraq war (attacking a country that had done nothing to agraviate the U. S.) and iet claims she has experince in foreign relations and national security, semms like she has experince in making nations less secure judging by how well that Iraq caper went. Much like Bush neither Clinton admits to making mistakes, and they are always blaming others for their short comings and spining the truth, I don't see why she critisizes the president, she is just like him.